Restorative Justice

myRJ is the only secure dedicated Restorative Justice Case Management on the market to feature state of the art functionality combined with a simple, clean and user friendly interface.

myRJ is aimed at multi partnership collaborations and larger organisations such as academic institutions, local governments and law enforcement agencies.

Victim Care

myVCU is the worlds first dedicated victim focus referral management system, aimed at a central Victim Care Unit who work with multipule agencies across their geographic area.

From managing victims, cases, referrals to staff workloads and reporting myVCU is guaranteed to provide your service with the tools needed.

Domestic Abuse

myDV provides a simple and clean interface to allow agencies delivering intervention to survivors of domestic abuse, violence, coercive behaviour, sexual assault and crime monitoring progress thought the persons journey too empowerment.

Giving secure access to the key workers to track outcomes and ensure support is given at the right points.